The parish of Beetley with East Bilney: one parish, two churches united in worshipping God
There have been many changes throughout the history of the parish – but the congregation remains determined to keep the ‘rumour of God’ alive in all the centres of population.
The churches themselves are pretty buildings, and worship is held in one or the other every week. Coffee is served after the service, so there is a chance to exchange news, discuss the sermon and make plans.
Service times are:
1st Sunday in the month:- Parish Communion at Beetley
2nd Sunday in the month:- Parish Communion at East Bilney
3rd Sunday in the month:- Parish Communion at Beetley
4th Sunday in the month:- Parish Communion at East Bilney
5th Sunday in the month Benefice Communion at Hoe (Book of Common Prayer)
At all the services at Beetley and East Bilney Common Worship is used.
For more information on either of the churches, or to arrange a visit, please contact one of the churchwardens.
Mrs J Thompson 01362 829305
All forthcoming events are publicised in the weekly newsletter.