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Our benefice lies in the very centre of Norfolk. We seek to centre our worship and discipleship on Jesus and hope to be at the centre of our communities offering places of welcome, hospitality, prayer, and peace.
Whether you are looking to join the church family on a regular basis, or are enquiring about becoming part of the church for a special event, such as a wedding or a christening (baptism), these pages should give you all that you need to know.
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Wednesday 22nd January
9:00am -
Open Church, Shipdham
10:00am -
Holy Communion, Dereham
11:30am -
Holy Communion, Shipdham
7:00pm -
Bell ringing practice, Scarnng
7:30pm -
Bell ringing practice, Shipdham
Thursday 23rd January
10:00am -
Coffee Cake and Company, All Saints, Swanton Morley
1:30pm -
Funeral of Andrew Cooper, Dereham
Friday 24th January
10:00am -
Funeral of Marina Holmes, Hoe
7:30pm -
Bell ringing practice, Swanton Morley
Sunday 26th January
8:00am -
Dereham Holy Communion
9:30am -
Holy Communion (BCP), Bradenham
9:30am -
Parish Communion, East Bilney
9:30am -
Parish Communion, Dereham
9:30am -
Parish Communion (BCP), Hoe
11:15am -
Morning Prayer, Swanton Morley
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Below are our Facebook pages.
Sunday Worship and Midweek Prayers are streamed on the St Nicholas' Church page
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