For information about our Sunday morning services, please see our Calendar or Newsletter. Each of our eight churches in the Dereham & District Benefice holds Sunday worship services of varying liturgical styles. Our worship is a mixture of Holy Communion, Morning Worship and All Age Worship with hymns and Bible readings. We also run Messy Church which is a very informal fun time of play, craftwork, games and worship, followed by a relaxed meal for all the family. There are also services, which are taken from The Book of Common Prayer. These services use the beautiful language of its day which still speak in a busy and often chaotic world. We in the Dereham & District Team Ministry Benefice invite you to come and visit us for one of our services. We encourage you to bring family and friends to any one of our churches, and hope you will feel most welcome in our community as we worship God together! |
Morning Prayer is said and streamed to Facebook daily Tuesday - Saturday. There are Wednesday morning services of Holy Communion at Dereham 10.00 am and Shipdham at 11.30 am
Funerals, Weddings, & Baptisms
To make arrangements for funerals, weddings and baptisms please contact the team clergy: The Revd Canon Paul Cubitt 01362 694107, the Revd Laura Purnell 01362 821249 or Rachael Dines 01362 562034